Email the instructors with any questions about the class.

Kathleen Gao (she/her)
Salutations! My name is Kathleen, and I graduated from Berkeley this past year with a double major in Computer Science and Linguistics. I took CS10 my first semester here, and I’ve been involved on course staff since. After the summer, I will be moving to New York to work as a software engineer at a startup called Bubble. Please stop by my office hours if you’d like to chat; I look forward to meeting you all!

Murtaza Ali (he/him)
Nice to e-meet you! My name is Murtz, and I am thrilled to be teaching you all this summer. I took CS10 in Fall 2017, and I have since been a TA for both CS10 and 61A (the required intro course for the CS major). I just graduated from Berkeley with a degree in Applied Mathematics, and this fall I will be starting my PhD in Human-Centered Design and Engineering at the University of Washington. I urge you all to take a leap of faith in this class; I promise you’ll learn more than you could have imagined. Feel free to drop by my office hours any time to talk about computer science, math, basketball, national parks, philosophy, or just life!
Teaching Assistants

Head TA Kellyann Ye (she/they)
Hi hi! I’m Kellyann (she/they), a senior studying CS and theater management! Like most of the staff, I had never programmed before college and took CS10 before I joined staff. Outside of school, I do research in the Berkeley Center for New Media into TV representation and try to meet my reading goals on Goodreads (I am at a solid 1/5 books for 2021 right now). Though I won’t be teaching a section this summer, come drop by my office hours if you’re looking for assignment help or advice or just want somewhere to vent for a hot sec!

Jake Son (he/him)
Hi, I’m Jake! I’m a third-year EECS major from a small town in the beautiful state of New Jersey (jealous??). I took CS10 my freshman fall semester. Being involved in the CS10 community has been one of the highlights of my time at Cal, so I’m super excited to be on course staff! Outside of CS, I enjoy guitar, alternative hip-hop, skateboarding (but I’m terrible at it), hiking, and breakfast foods. Looking forward to meeting all of you!

Madeleine LaBute (she/they)
Hi! I’m Maddie L, a fourth-year Compsci major. I took CS10 my freshman year and fell even deeper in love with CS. I’m a Bay Area native and come home (an hour from Berkeley) frequently to hang out with family. When I’m not coding, you can find me watching Hank Green’s Journey to the Microcosmos (would highly recommend), forcing my boyfriend who has perfect pitch to transcribe that one melody from that one song, or attempting to play Roblox with my nine year old sister (nothing makes me feel more ancient). I’m so pumped to be TAing this summer and am looking forward to getting to know you all!

Nick Lai (he/him)
Wassup fellas :smile:. I’m a random CS major from New Zealand who has been a part of the CS10 family since Fall 2018 (when I took the course). I’m just here because CS10 has quite literally changed my life because I loved it so much, but a tiny bonus is that I love teaching and making sure you all get the most out of CS10. Lookin’ forward to getting to know ya’ll!

Ze-Ning Ong (she/her)
Hellooo I’m Ze, and I’m a rising junior majoring in CS! I took CS10 my freshman year and have been AI-ing since then, and I am insanely excited and nervous to be working with you all this summer :smile:. In my free time I like petting my cat Pixel (who you will ALL see a picture of), drawing, listening to music, and walking around random places. Oh I also really like mechanical keyboards and dinosaurs (I hope you can tell from my profile picture). I look forward to getting to know all of you; this summer will be PAW-some!

Head Reader Samhita Sen (she/her)
Hello hello:) I’m Samhita, a senior majoring in media studies and sociology, with a minor in education! I took CS10 my first semester at Cal and have been part of the family ever since! Outside of school, I’m working at an internship in healthcare communications, managing production at the Daily Cal, eating great Thai food in Berkeley, taking lots of naps, rewatching White Collar for the 10th time, and, most importantly, leading the amazing Reader team for CS10 this summer! So excited to meet y’all!

Annie Miller (she/her)
Hi! My name is Annie, and I am a 3rd year student studying environmental sciences and data science. I took CS10 my second semester at Cal and have been an AI ever since. I am super excited to be on staff for CS10 and hope you love it as much as I do! I enjoy reading mystery novels, baking, and taking long walks.

Tom Shang (he/him)
Hello! My name is Tom Shang, and I’m a rising junior studying Computer Science. After taking this class my first semester here, I not only discovered my passion for CS, but also made tons of valuable memories and met one my best friends. In my freetime, I enjoy playing basketball, jamming on my guitar, and goofing off with the boys. I hope you will all love CS 10 as much as I do!

Madeleine Fruman (she/her)
Hi! I’m a second year studying Math and I’ve been a part of CS10 for 4 semesters now. I took CS10 in my first semester at Cal and I loved the material and environment so much that I decided to join course staff the semester after. In my free time, I enjoy going to Berkeley’s book stores, exploring campus, playing the violin, and doing jigsaw puzzles. Looking forward to a great summer class!

Yishu Chao (she/they)
Hey there! I’m a rising junior majoring in CS and Cognitive Science. After taking CS10 in Spring 2020, I AI-ed for CS10 for three semesters, and this is my first time being a reader. Outside of school, I enjoy reading, traveling, doing photography, and playing sports. Looking forward to meeting you this summer!