Add ‘’ to the end of all emails.

Teaching Professor Dan Garcia
I’m so delighted to be teaching this course again after taking a sabbatical year off (to develop, among other things, a Spanish language and middle school version of BJC!). I co-invented BJC in 2008 with my good friend and colleague Brian Harvey, and absolutely love teaching it. I’m passionate about bringing engaging and powerful CS “big ideas” to students who normally wouldn’t be exposed to it. I am humbled by all the national attention BJC has received (see the “in the News” part of my website) and hope you find this class beautiful and joyful! When I’m not working, you can find me traveling, playing golf or board games (e.g., Monopoly Deal), or binging shows (anything Pixar or Marvel) with my family. p.s. My wife and I both went to Cal for grad school… Go Bears!
Head Teaching Assistant

Vedansh Malhotra
Hey there! :) I’m a junior studying CS, CogSci, and Data Sci. This is my fifth time on course staff at Cal, and third time teaching CS-10. As someone who started out with little programming experience, I believe that CS at Berkeley can be a challenging, yet immensely rewarding experience. My primary goal this semester is to help students discover and come to appreciate the remarkable beauty of problem solving- for which, Computer Science is an indispensable tool!
Teaching Assistants

Annie Miller
Hi everyone!I am a fourth year studying environmental sciences and data science. I took CS10 my second semester at Cal and have been with CS10 ever since, as an AI and now a TA for my fourth semester. I love taking long walks, reading, listening to music and podcasts, and baking. I am super excited to be with CS10 this semester and hope you love it as much as I do!

Benjamin Pierias
Hello! My name is Ben and I’m a Senior majoring in Cognitive Science with a minor in CS! I took CS10 my first semester at Cal (it was actually the class I was most looking forward to) and was blown away with how amazing computer science is. Besides school, I love the outdoors, exercising, learning about the brain, cybersecurity and all things cinema! I can’t wait to show you the joys of computing!

Eric Min Young Park
Hiiii! I’m Eric and I’m a sophomore studying EECS. I took CS10 my first semester at Cal and have been an AI in my second, and I had a chance to be a reader over the summer. I’m very excited to be a TA for the first time for CS10! I enjoy reading, writing stories, finding new music, walking, and playing games. Hope you guys have a great time this fall!

Imen Guechtouli
Hey everyone! It’s going to be a blast getting to know you all! (‘: I’m in my second year at Cal studying EECS, and this will be my second time teaching CS 10! As cool as software may be, I’m looking forward to delving more into hardware this semester, through circuit design and some of my own personal explorations with e-textiles and intersections of EE with materials science. I came to Cal with no programming experience, and since my first semester here, CS 10 continues to be the community that keeps me going. You can catch me playing volleyball or getting lost in town during my free time (I have no sense of direction!)

Jalen Gooch
Hello! My name is Jalen and I am Third Year double majoring in Cognitive Science and Psychology with minors in Data Science and Journalism! I took CS10 the Spring of my Freshman year, loved it, and have been a part of the course ever since! Outside of academics I look cooking, making oddly specific music playlists, and keeping my 3 month old kitten from tearing up my apartment. I am excited to meet and work with you all this semester!

Sarah Taylor (she/her)
Hello everyone! My name is Sarah, and I am a third year double majoring in Cognitive Science and Data Science. I took the CS10 in my first semester and since then have helped with running labs and discussion sections and am excited to finally be on course staff as a reader and AI Head! Outside my studies, I enjoy listening to music, exploring campus at night, and getting involved on campus.

Vaibhav Mohata
I am a senior studying Computer Science and Mathematics. I started programming in high school but didn’t really enjoy it until CS10 at CAL after which I took the 61 Series, CS 70, and EECS 16B. I am most fluent in Java and Python but also know the very basics of HTML, CSS, JS and C (which are for mostly resume purposes). I love playing soccer and am a huge Messi fan. Apart from that, I also love reading fiction (favorite is Harry Potter) and watching anime so if you have any anime stuff you want to talk about I am always here for it. This semester I would be working as a TA for CS10, taking MATH 116, COMPSCI 170, COMPSCI 161, and EECS 106A.

Yishu Chao
Hello hello, I’m a senior double majoring in CS and CogSci. I have been involved with CS10 as an AI, reader, and TA since Spring 2020 when I first took the class. CS10 was the first programming class I have ever taken, and I loved it so much that I decided to major in CS. I hope you will come to love this class as much as I did, and I cannot wait for an exciting semester ahead!

Dorottya Urmossy
Hi! I’m a sophomore studying Computer Science and Mathematics. I took CS 10 last fall and was an AI last spring. This is my first time being a reader so I’m very excited! CS 10 was one of my favorite courses, so I hope everyone will have fun while taking it! In my free time I like reading (especially fantasy), sewing and traveling :)

Jatin Batta
Hi everyone! I’m a senior at UC Berkeley this year studying Cognitive Science, Data Science, Computer Science and am doing the Certificate in Entrepreneurship and technology and this is my second semester working on staff for CS10. I took CS10 during my first semester Cal and found computer science to be an incredibly fascinating field. In my free time, you can either find me swimming, watching Avatar the Last Airbender, or spending time with friends and family. Excited to work with everyone this semester and show you all the crazy fun world of computing.

Mehul Gandhi
Hey everyone! I’m a junior studying Computer Science, and this is my third semester working on staff for CS10. I took CS10 during my spring semester of Freshman year and I love the creative and critical thinking aspects that CS provides, so I decided to change my major to CS! This semester, I’m looking into learning fullstack development through personal projects! During my free time, I like to watch anime and k-drama, try out new restaurants, and host social events for clubs! I’m super excited to work with all of you this semester :)

Oceanna Li
Hi everyone! I am a junior studying Cognitive Science and minor in Data Science. I took CS10 in 2021 Spring and became an AI in 2021 Fall. CS10 has built me a solid foundation in programming. Hope everyone enjoy taking this course.

James Rakanatha Yosharry Litanto
Hello! I’m a rising sophomore majoring in CS. I have been an AI two times before and this is my first time being a reader for CS 10. Before coming into Berkeley, I had never coded before, but taking CS 10 opened my eyes to the wonderful world of Computer Science and really helped me for my future classes. I hope all of you can enjoy CS 10 as much as I did!

Victoria Phelps
Hello Everyone! I’m a sophomore studying CS and this is my third year working with CS10. Currently, I work as an intern at a software company, SAP. I’m also apart of Dan Garcia’s research group, Gamescrafters. When I first took the course, I had no programming experience. I fell in love with it and became a BJC and Snap! evangelist. As a non-traditional student coming back to school at the age of 23, I believe anyone can learn CS, and CS is a field for everyone - no matter your age, skill level, or past performance.
Academic Interns (AI’s)

Aditi Chatterjee
hi ya’ll! i’m a current sophomore studying computer science and cognitive science. CS 10 was my first computer science course here at Berkeley and it was one of my most favorite classes i’ve taken to date! my interests include AI/ML, data analytics, and software development :) feel free to chat with me about class material or even about cool things to do around SF/Berkeley! :3

Ainsley Cunningham
Hi, I’m a sophomore majoring in History and Cognitive Science and this is my first semester as an AI! I love graphic design, Stardew Valley, and watching Ghibli movies. :) Before CS10 I had absolutely zero programming experience, and taking this course not only helped make coding feel much less scary and intimidating, but also made me realize the many important and exciting ways in which CS is powerfully shaping our world. CS10 is a really special class, and I’m so excited to help out in lab this semester and get to know all of you!

Alanda Nguyen
Hey yooo I’m a 3rd year studying CS! When I am not dying from assignments, I am probably drawing or playing video games. I was one of the many people obliterated by the dreaded CS61A midterm. Then, like an angel descended from the sky to guide those in need, there was CS10 taught by the legendary Dan Garcia. This course helped me so much in teaching me how to code and it prepared me for my second rodeo with CS61A! So, I wanted to return the favor and contribute to the course :D

Amy Castillo
Hi, I’m Amy (she/her)! I’m a third year from SoCal majoring in Data Science. I had little to no CS experience prior to CS10. This class became one of my favorite classes that I’ve taken here at Berkeley and I’ve been an AI ever since. On my free time I love watching horror movies/tv shows, listening to music (specifically Bad Bunny or Taylor Swift), or just watching TikToks. I hope to help the best I can this semester!

Calvin Duong
Hey !! My name is Calvin and I’m a sophomore studying CS. I took CS10 my freshmen year and it was definitely one of my favorite classes. I didn’t have much programming experience so CS10 really paved the way for my CS journey. Looking forward to working with everyone this semester and feel free to message me via email !

Dream Lopez
Hello everyone!! I’m a second year planning to major in Data Science and Public Health. I took CS10 my first semester at Berkeley and it really helped my build confidence in my coding abilities! This is my second semester as an AI+. In my free time I love to read, hike, watch movies, find cute coffee shops, and bake. I look forward to meeting everyone and help you fall in love with CS <3

Drew Rusignuolo
Hi there, I’m Drew! I use he or they pronouns. I’m a senior linguistics major, also studying CS (currently taking cs61a). I recently took CS10 and quite enjoyed the class structure and how the material is made accessible to anyone. After seeing how the AIs got to work with students directly in lab and help them work through solving problems and developing the muscle of computational thinking, I wanted to get involved. My primary interest is linguistics, but I am very interested in natural language processing and other computer science/linguistics intersections.

Hannah Kang
Hi! I’m Hannah, a second year studying Computer Science from the Bay Area! The is my second time teaching CS-10, and I’m super stoked :) I enjoy singing, dancing, exploring new coffee shops, and trying new foods. Look forward to meeting you all!

Jasper Shine
Hi everyone! I am a fourth year majoring in Computer Science with a minor in Data Science. I took CS10 way back in my first semester here at Cal and I can honestly say it’s the best class I’ve taken. Outside of school I love to watch soccer (Come on You Gunners!), play tennis, and travel with my family. I hope you enjoy CS10 as much as I did!

JiHo Bang
Hi everyone, my name is JiHo and I’m a junior studying Data Science and CS. Outside of academics, I enjoy sports, specifically basketball and volleyball. I took CS10 last year and this is my first time teaching the class. CS10 was my first ever coding experience so it helped me get into tech but also prepare me for future classes. I hope it can help you as much as it helped me!

Julia Dashzeveg
Hey! I’m Julia and I’m a sophomore studying EECS. I took CS10 my first semester at Cal and this is my first time being an AI. In my free time I love to read, bake, and do arts and crafts :)

Julia Zhang
Hi! I’m a sophomore studying Data Science, and this is my first time being an AI for CS10! I really enjoyed taking CS10 in my freshman year! I am excited to help students in CS10 this semester as an AI!

Kaelyn Huang
Hey everyone! I am a sophomore, and this is my first time being an AI for CS-10. This past summer I took my first CS course, and I instantly fell in love with the beauty of programming. I hope to assist students in their programming endeavors and inspire them to achieve extraodrinary things in the wonderful world of CS!

Manaar Salama
Hello there! My name is Manaar (she/her/hers), and I’m a junior studying Data Science. This is my fourth semester as an AI for CS10, and it is still one of my favorite classes that I’ve taken at Cal! Besides taking my major classes and AIing for CS10, this semester I’ll also be studying Chinese, teaching machine learning concepts as part of WiCDS, and trying to accomplish my reading goal of 18 books by the end of 2022!

Marius Castro
Yo! My name is Marius and I’m a second year here majoring in Applied Math and Computer Science. I took CS10 Spring 2022 and I’m pumped on AI’ing for the first time. I came into Berkeley with no coding experience and I remember how my roommates (who were in 61A/B at the time) screens used to look like giberish while they did hw. I had no idea what CS was so I decided just to try it out by taking CS10. The class quickly became my favorite I’ve taken so far at Berkeley as it opened up the world of programming to me in a very beginner-friendly way. I hope to lend other students a hand in finding their way into Computer Science as a whole and maybe even find a passion like I did :)
Myrah Shah
Hello! I’m Myrah, a second year intended computer science major and this is my second time being an AI for CS10. When I started at Berkeley, I had almost no programming experience at all. CS10 helped me become confident in my ability to puruse CS which is why I want to give back to the CS10 community! Outside of CS, I’m into record-collecting and writing.

Nathaniel Haynam
Hello there. I am an incoming sophomore studying CS, and this is my first time teaching CS-10. I have been teaching Python, Java, and Scratch for the last four years and am excited to teach at Berkeley! My secret goal this semester is to teach not only the joy of computing but also the next step toward Computer Science. As a freshman, I had no clue what to do, and I’m thrilled to show you all the next steps.

Patricia Suwardi
Hi everyone!! My name is Patricia and I’m a sophomore studying cs :3 This will be my second semester AI-ing and my first semester as part of LabDev AI+. I took CS10 in my second semester of freshman year and liked the class very much! I’m really exicted to help people out during lab and involve myself in developing the course website ^^ In my free time I enjoy sleeping and scrolling through pinterest for fashion inspiration. Feel free to talk to me about style, kdramas, and sloths :)

Pavit Singh
Hey everyone! My name is Pavit and I’m a sophomore studying CS and Econ. In my free time, I like to play the guitar, watch cricket and soccer games, and watch Community on Netflix. I think CS 10 is a super cool intro to CS and I’m really excited to be helping you guys out as an AI this semester. Feel free to shoot me an email - I’m always down to grab coffee!

Rachel Hong
Hi! I am a sophomore studying CS, and this is my first time AI-ing for CS10. I took CS10 my freshman spring with absolutely no programming experience and I loved it + learned a ton. This class can definitely be daunting at times so don’t hesitate to reach out!

Ryan Schwartz
Hello everyone :) I’m a freshman studying Aerospace Engineering and CS, and I took CS-10 over this summer. Not only did CS-10 prepare me for cs61a, but it made me fell in love with CS. This semester I want to help others start their CS journey and make some amazing friends along the way!

Sammie Shenon
Hi! I’m a sophomore studying computer science and this is my second time being an Academic Intern for CS-10. I took CS-10 last fall and I loved the course and learned so much! It was a great entry into the world of computer science and made me much more confident going into later Berkeley CS courses. In my free time I love to watch movies, read, get outdoors, and try new food spots! I look forward to being an AI again this semester!

Stacey Yoo
Hi there! I’m Stacey and I’m a sophomore studying Bioengineering. This is my first semester AI-ing for CS-10. I enjoy cooking, crime shows, and video games. Excited to be working with you all this semester : ]

Vivi Thai
Hi everyone! I’m a sophomore intending to major in CS. I took CS 10 Fall 2021, and I’ve been an AI this past spring and summer. I came to Berkeley with no coding experience, and CS 10 convinced me to major in it, so I hope everyone enjoys the class as much as I did.