This is the reference Beauty and Joy of Computing course at UC Berkeley as of Fall 2013.
Topic 1: Broadcast, Animations, and Music
Topic 2: Loops, Variables, and Conditionals
Topic 3: Putting it Together
Topic 4: Build Your Own Blocks
Topic 5: Lists
Topic 6: Tic Tac Toe
Topic 7: Algorithms
Topic 8: Algorithm Complexity
Topic 9: Concurrency
Topic 10: Trees and Fractals using Recursion
Topic 11: Using Data
Topic 12: Recursive Reporters
Topic 13: The Internet
Topic 14: Practice with HOFs and Functions as Data
Topic 15: HOFs with Recursion
Topic 16: Simulation in Science
Topic 17: Simulation: BioInformatics
Topic 18: Applications that changed the world
Topic 19: Distributed Computing
Topic 20: Robots
Additional Videos and Readings