
Head TA Madeleine LaBute (she/they)
Hi! I’m Maddie L, a fourth-year Compsci major. I took CS10 my freshman year and fell even deeper in love with CS. I’m a Bay Area native and come home (an hour from Berkeley) frequently to hang out with family. When I’m not coding, you can find me watching Hank Green’s Journey to the Microcosmos (would highly recommend), forcing my boyfriend who has perfect pitch to transcribe that one melody from that one song, or attempting to play Roblox with my ten year old sister (nothing makes me feel more ancient). I’m so pumped to be TAing this spring and am looking forward to getting to know you all!

Lab Lead Ze-Ning Ong (she/her)
Hellooo I’m Ze, and I’m a junior majoring in CS! I took CS10 my freshman year and have been AI-ing since then, and I am insanely excited and nervous to be working with you all this fall :) In my free time I like petting my cat Pixel (who you will ALL see a picture of), drawing, listening to music, and walking around random places. Oh I also really like mechanical keyboards and dinosaurs (I hope you can tell from my profile picture). I look forward to getting to know all of you; this semester will be PAW-some!
Discussion TAs

Discussion Lead Deeksha Kumar (she/her)
Hi!! I’m Deeksha and I’m from a small town in Iowa. I took CS10 my freshman fall semester without any coding experience and now I’m a fourth-year CS major! Outside of school you might find me at rehearsal for the Indian dance team I’m on at Cal, rewatching Friends for the 10th time, enjoying Berkeley Thai food, or attempting to learn guitar. Teaching is a huge passion of mine which is why I love being a part of CS10 course staff. I’m so excited to meet you all this semester and help you have an amazing experience in this course!
Lab TAs

AIs Lead Ben Pierias (he/him)
Hello! My name is Ben and I’m a Junior majoring in Cognitive Science with a minor in CS! I took CS10 my first semester at Cal (it was actually the class I was most looking forward to) and was blown away with how amazing computer science is. Besides school, I love the outdoors, exercising, learning about the brain, and all things cinema! I can’t wait to show you the joys of computing:)

RQ Lead Jake Son (he/him)
SoundCloud producer, teaching is my side hustle

Projects Lead Vaibhav Mohata (he/him)
I am a junior studying Computer Science and Mathematics. I started programming in high school but didn’t really enjoy it until CS10 at CAL after which I took 61A and 61B. I am most fluent in Java and Python but also know the very basics of HTML, CSS, JS and C (which are for mostly resume purposes). I love playing soccer and am a huge Messi fan. Apart from that, I also love reading fiction (favorite is Harry Potter) and watching anime so if you have any anime stuff you want to talk about I am always here for it. This semester I would be working as a TA for CS10, taking MATH H104, COMPSCI 61C, MATH 113, and DATA C140. Outside of school, I hope to get a research position and get involved in some club projects.

Head Reader Taroob Zia (she/her)
Hi! I’m a fourth-year CS major from the Bay Area. I took CS10 in my freshman year and I have been involved with the class ever since. I loved taking CS10 as a student and I hope you do too! Looking forward to meet you all!

Annie Miller (she/her)
Hi! My name is Annie, and I am a 3rd year studying environmental sciences and data science. I took CS10 my second semester at Cal and have been with CS10 ever since, as an AI and now a reader. I love taking long walks, reading mystery novels, listening to music and podcasts, and baking. I am super excited to be with CS10 this semester and hope you love it as much as I do!