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Vedansh Malhotra
Office Hours: Tu,Th 5-6PM in Soda-511
Hey there! I’m a rising senior (so don’t call me “Professor” :p) studying Computer Science, Cognitive Science, and Data Science. This is my seventh term on course staff at Cal (I’ve helped teach courses in EECS and Cognitive Science), and my fifth term teaching and first term as Instructor for CS-10.
This Summer, I’ll also be developing curriculum for Berkeley’s (brand-new) College of Computing, Data Science, and Society, partake in an exciting Natural Language Processing / Machine Learning research project, and will try to teach a five year old Computational Complexity Theory. If any of that sounds interesting, I’m happy to chat about it in Office Hours!
My primary goal as instructor is to help students discover and come to appreciate the remarkable beauty of problem solving- for which, Computer Science is an indispensable tool!
PS: Here’s how my name is pronounced: veið’ãnʃ
Admin Teaching Assistants

Mehul Gandhi
Hey everyone! I’m a rising senior studying Computer Science + Data Science, and this is my fifth semester working on staff for CS10. I took CS10 during my spring semester of Freshman year and I love the creative and critical thinking aspects that CS provides, so I decided to change my major to CS! This summer, I’ll be taking CS160: User Interface Design and Development and I’m looking into learning fullstack development through personal projects! During my free time, I like to watch anime, try out new restaurants, and host social events for clubs! I’m super excited to work with all of you this semester :)

Yishu Chao
Hello hello, I’m a senior double majoring in CS and CogSci. I have been involved with CS10 as an AI, reader, and TA since Spring 2020 when I first took the class. CS10 was the first programming class I have ever taken, and I loved it so much that I decided to major in CS. I hope you will come to love this class as much as I did, and I cannot wait for an exciting semester ahead!
Teaching Assistants

Eric Min Young Park
Hiiii! I’m Eric, and I’m a sophomore studying EECS. I took CS10 my first semester at Cal and had been an AI in my second, and I had a chance to be a reader over the summer. I enjoy reading, writing stories, finding new music, walking, and playing games. Hope you guys have a great time this spring!
Head Tutor

Dorottya Urmossy
Hi! I’m a sophomore studying Computer Science and Mathematics. I took CS 10 in Fall’21 and was an AI in Spring’21. This is my second time being a reader so I’m very excited! CS 10 was one of my favorite courses, so I hope everyone will have fun while taking it! In my free time I like reading (especially fantasy), sewing and traveling :)

Marius Castro
Yo! My name is Marius and I’m a rising junior majoring in Applied Math and Computer Science. I took CS10 Spring 2022 and have been involved with the course on staff ever since. I’m pumped to see what this summer has for all of us! I came into Berkeley with no coding experience and I remember how my roommates (who were in 61A/B at the time) screens used to look like giberish while they did hw. I had no idea what CS was so I decided just to try it out by taking CS10. The class quickly became my favorite I’ve taken so far at Berkeley as it opened up the world of programming to me in a very beginner-friendly way. I hope to lend other students a hand in finding their way into Computer Science as a whole and maybe even find a passion like I did :)

Sofia Bourche
Hey everyone! I’m a rising senior studying Computer Science from San Diego, CA. I have been an AI for CS10 for 5 semesters and am excited to be serving as a Tutor. I discovered my love for programming as a student in CS10, and I hope you will too! In my free time, I enjoy dancing as part of The Cal Dance Team, baking, surfing, traveling and teaching!

Victoria Phelps
Hello Everyone! I’m a sophomore studying CS and this is my third year working with CS10. Currently, I work as an intern at a software company, SAP. I’m also a part of Dan Garcia’s research group, GamesCrafters. When I first took the course, I had no programming experience. I fell in love with it and became a BJC and Snap! evangelist. As a non-traditional student coming back to school at the age of 23, I believe anyone can learn CS, and CS is a field for everyone - no matter your age, skill level, or past performance.
Academic Interns (AIs)

Audrey Mac
hello! i’m a rising second year studying engineering math & stats. i took CS10 last semester and absolutely loved it! in my free time i like reading and playing games. i can’t wait to meet y’all, you’re going to have a great time :)

Cali Bond
Hi! My name is Cali and I’m a rising junior studying Cog Sci and Data Science. I took CS 10 with zero prior programming experience and loved it. Super excited to be an AI again during this summer semester so feel free to reach out to me with literally anything!

Ivan Apodaca
Hey everyone! I’m a upcoming sophmore studying EECS and this will be my first time teaching CS-10. My freshman year I came to this school with minimal programming experince. This course was crucial in providing me a solid foundation of programming skills and abilities which even aided me in courses beyond this one. My main goal is to help foster this same foundation in the people that I work with in my journey as an AI.

Lauren Bae
Hello there! I’m a sophomore studying Microbial Biology and Data Science. This is my first time teaching CS-10 :) Last year I took CS-10 with no previous coding experience. I am so grateful for this course because it helped me find my passion for CS and choose to minor in Data Science. Studying CS at UC Berkeley can feel intimidating, however I hope that with the help of peers and staff, students can find rewarding experiences in this course!

Oscar Mendoza-Oliva
Hello everyone! I am a rising sophmore studying EECS. I’m from Oakland, CA and I am super exited to be AIing for CS10 this summer. My goal is to be able to provide as much help and guidence to students who are taking their first steps into Computer Science.

Wen Cao
Hi everyone! I’m Wen and I’m a freshman interested in Pure Math, Computer Science, and Mechanical Engineering. This is my second time AIing for CS10! I’m a food lover and a big fan of ketchup. Can’t wait to see you all this summer :))))) About me: I’m a cactus made of kumquat.

Aananya Lakhani
Hi! :) I’m a rising sophmore studying CS and physics, and this is my second time AI-ing in CS10. I came into CS10 fall of 2022 without a lot of coding experience, however, with the support of the CS10 staff I was able to learn so much in just one semester. CS and coding are such important tools in our world today and I hope to provide support to the students this semester, so that they can also experience the beauty and joy of computing.

Bardia Koopah
Wsp! I’m a first year studying CS and Econ. This is my first time on CS10 coursestaff, and I could not be more excited to meet all of you. I took CS10 Fall 2022 and loved it. You learn not only the fundamentals and intuition of great programmers, but many fascinating and useful paradigms that exist within the realm of Computer Science. I hope I can help many students this semester in solving puzzles and unearth the beauty of Computer Science. Ad Astra!
Bryan Flores
Hey! My name is Bryan and I’m a junior studying Data Science. As someone who started out with no programming experience before college, I felt that CS10 was perfect introduction for me back when I took it my freshmen year. When I’m not working on HW/Projects, I will probably be watching Netflix or playing video games. I hope you enjoy CS10 and am looking forward to helping as an AI!

Jayita Mukunda
Hey! My name is Jayita and I’m a freshman studying Data Science and Molecular & Cell Biology, and this is my first time helping out with CS-10! I am super excited to get to know everyone, and help students discover and understand CS!

Lana Alsaedi
Hi:) I’m a rising sophomore majoring in CS with a minor in Data Science. This past fall I took CS10 and instantly grew passionate about the intricate CS world. This will be my second time teaching CS10, and I look forward to contributing to the growth of the CS community at Berkeley!

Stacey Yoo
Hi there! My name is Stacey and I’m a rising junior studying Bioengineering. This is my third semester AI-ing for CS10 and I’m excited to be back! CS10 is a fun, welcoming introductory class that helped me confidently dive into CS at Berkeley. Outside of the classroom I love to cook, listen to music, and create. Let’s have a great summer :D

Theresa Huynh
Hello!! I’m a rising senior majoring in Cognitive Science and this is my first time being an AI for CS-10. I didn’t have much experience with coding prior to taking CS-10 and I think this class was an amazing entryway to programming and understanding CS conceptually. In my free time I like to play games, listen to music, and hang out with friends. I’m really excited to work with and get to know everyone this semester :)