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Lab Check-Off Questions


All lab check-off deadlines are at 11:59PM. (However, you need to get checked off by a TA or lab assistant, so you last chance to get checked off is during lab or office hours.)

To get checked off, you should prepare answers to the specific questions for each lab. You shouldn’t feel compelled to memorize every single detail of lab. The goal here to make sure you’re on track with CS10 and you should be comfortable with the higher level concepts for each question. For each lab the first questions are the biggest ideas, and the later questions are for your own benefit and review.

Note that you only need to get checked off for 1 lab each week! You get to pick which lab you’d like to get checked off for, and we encourage you to get checked off for whatever is the most challenging. You’ll get credit for effort, and getting close to the answer, so this is a great way to check in with your TA and Lab Assistants.

Remember: Even if you miss a check-off deadline, you can still get 50% credit for any lab check off at any time during the semester.

Week 1: Labs 1 and 2: No check-off needed!

Lab 1: Welcome to Snap!

No questions for this lab!

Lab 2: Build Your Own Blocks

Week 2: Labs 3, 4, and 5: due 7/6

Lab 3: Functions

Lab 4: Finch Robots

Lab 5: Lists

Week 3: Labs 6 and 7: Due 7/13

Lab 6: Algorithms and Algorithmic Complexity

Lab 7: Trees and Fractals with Recursion

Week 4: Labs 8 and 9: Due 7/20

Lab 8: Recursive Reporters

Lab 9: Concurrency

Week 5: Lab 10: Due 7/27

Lab 10: The Internet and Tic-Tac-Toe

Internet: Required Questions

  1. Of the shell commands traceroute, whois, and telnet, explain and demonstrate one of them. Why is the information they return useful?
  2. What is the difference between latency and throughput? What shell command can you use to measure latency?
  3. What is an information footprint, and what steps can you take to lessen your footprint in the future?

Internet: Self-Check Questions

Lab 11: Tic-Tac-Toe

Tic-Tac-Toe Required Questions

  1. How are lists used to implement the tic-tac-toe board? Why does this strategy work? Would this strategy work even with a larger board?
  2. Show your appearances or substitute triple block, and explain your implementation (You could be asked either, so be prepared for both!).
  3. Show your winning-square or full ttt block (Again, you could be asked either, so be ready for both!).

Tic-Tac-Toe: Self-Check Questions

Week 6: Labs 11 and 12: Due 8/3

Lab 11: Lambdas and HOFs

Required Questions

  1. How can we use functions as data in Snap? What do the “call” and “run” blocks do, and what’s the difference between them?
  2. Demonstrate your list all factorions between __ and __ block.
  3. Demonstrate your is __ pandigital? block.

Self-Check Questions

Lab 12: Besides Blocks: Welcome to Python!

Required Questions

  1. What is the difference between the syntax of one equals sign (=) vs. a double equals sign (==) in Python?
  2. What is 0-indexing, and why is it relevant to string manipulation in Python? Show how to create a substring from a string.
  3. Run the “python run_tests” command to check that all the exercises work.

Self-Check Questions

Week 7: Lab 13: Due 8/10

Lab 13: Besides Blocks: Data Structures in Python

Required Questions

  1. Show that your file passes the tests for all 6 exercises.
  2. What are the similarities and differences between lists and dictionaries? What are ‘keys’ and ‘values’ and how do they compare to numerical indices in lists?
  3. How can you easily iterate through the items of a list? What about a dictionary?

Self-Check Questions

Lab 14: TBD