Project 4: Tech in Context

Due at: 11:59 PM PST on Wednesday, 10/16

Version 1.0. Last Updated: 2024-10-10.

We highly recommend reading through this spec in its entirety before you begin.

Any important updates or clarifications will be made here.


I. Submission Guidelines II. Introduction III. Project 4 Timeline IV. AI and Generative Tool Guidelines V. Content Guidelines a. Part 1: The Artifact and Documentation b. Part 2: Group Presentation + Peer Feedback c. Part 3: Peer Reflection/Comments VI. Feedback Form VII. Rubric & Grading

Submission Guidelines

  1. Upload your project to the Project 4: Artifact + Documentation assignment on Gradescope
  2. After you present, collect the peer feedback forms which you will need to upload to the Gradescope assignment: Project 4: Comments + Peer Feedback
    • You will also need to include your comments to two peer’s projects.
  3. Having trouble? Contact your lab TA or go to office hours (OH)!


This semester, you have explored how computer science and technological innovations shape society—from individual experiences to global transformations. For this project, you’ll step away from coding to select a creative media format that allows you to critically examine an intersection between technology and society. The project will consist of three parts: creation of an artifact with project documentation, live presentation, and peer reflection. This approach offers an opportunity to engage with the actions and consequences of technology in a non-traditional format.

You will select a creative medium to explore a tech-related topic of your choice. Acceptable formats include art/drawings, sculptures, videos, infographics, short films or sketches (stop motion, live action, or digital using Snap! only), collages, or dioramas. Written works like essays, songs, or poems are not permitted, nor are single photographs or single-plane AI-generated content. Additional guidelines regarding AI or generative tools are written below. If you’d like to use a different medium, you must get approval from the TAs.

The medium you select should effectively convey the societal, economic, or cultural impact of your chosen topic—whether it’s a technology, theory, program, event (past or present), or object. Previous topics have included artificial intelligence (AI), Facebook, smart farming, the internet, the TikTok algorithm, robotic teachers, and online security. Examples of accepted artifacts could look like an Infographic on AI Bias in Decision-Making, a Handmade Collage on Social Media’s Impact on Youth, or a Sculpture on Data Privacy.

If you’re unsure of a topic, consider a technological innovation that has significantly transformed the way we live, work, or interact—socially, economically, or culturally. Be sure to focus on a specific topic that allows for in-depth analysis or creative expression within the scope of the project.

We want this to be a fun and exciting project that allows you to pursue your interests. This project shouldn’t feel like a grind (we are hoping!). The expected time spent on this should not exceed five hours. Ideally, most of the time spent on the project will be doing research on the topic.

Project 4 Timeline

Part Submission Method Due Date
Part 1: Artifact + Documentation Gradescope WED 10/16 AT 11:59 PM
Part 2: Presentation In Person in Discussion or Makeup OH (makeup times will be limited and posted on EdStem) THURS 10/17
Part 3: Peer Reflection/Comment + Feedback Gradescope WED 10/23 11:59 PM

AI and Generative Tool Guidelines

  • You may only use AI tools for research, feedback, idea formation, captioning, and/or image generation to support your project.
  • Plagiarism, including uncredited AI-generated work, will not be tolerated.
  • All final work you submit must be your own creative work. AI should assist, but not replace, your creativity and effort.
  • Any content generated by AI must be properly cited and referenced in your project.
  • Citations for AI-generated content should follow the MLA format, with clear acknowledgment of the tool and its contribution.
  • Be transparent about how AI tools influenced your process in the project documentation portion.

Part 1: The Artifact and Documentation

The artifact should adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Solo project
  • Adhere to our guidelines regarding artificial intelligence and generative tools
  • Use of creative medium to explore a tech-related topic of your choice.
    • Acceptable formats include: art/drawings (digital or traditional), sculptures, collages (physical), videos, infographics, short film/sketches (stop motion, live action, or digital using Snap! only), and dioramas
    • Please note that video submissions should be no longer than 5 minutes in length
    • Banned: Essays, songs, poems, or single photographs
  • Focuses on a single topic/innovation and its impacts
  • Projects should be created in a manner that maximizes accessibility to all audiences (e.g., captions for videos, clear visuals, minimum 12pt font).
  • Ability to be showcased (either through digital projection/download or physical presentation)
  • 200-350 words reflection documentation explaining the creative process, the research behind the project, and the message you aimed to communicate
    • Minimum Word Count: 200 - 350
    • Hard Maximum: 450
  • If applicable: include a Works Cited page using MLA format for citations (does not count towards the word count)
    • For in-text citations, reference the author and page number in parentheses, e.g., “Technology is cool” (AuthorLastName 40)
  • Credit any and all images used in your project


Your artifact should include details that express your technical topic in a creative and novel way. To help you do so, your artifact should answer some (but need not answer all) of the following questions, but you must select questions from each category (define the purpose, positive and negative impacts, and technical elements):

    • What is the innovation you are focusing on?
    • What is the context for the innovation?
    • What social issue was this innovation meant to address?
    • Does it resolve problems of a certain kind in a particular community?
    • How does the innovation impact quality of life?
    • What motivated the creation or development of the innovation?
    • What has happened as a result of this innovation, intentional or unintentional?
    • Are there any long-term or short-term concerns for this innovation?
    • What major impact(s) has it contributed to in society, economics, or a particular culture or subculture?
    • How might we understand this innovation?
    • How does this innovation relate to other innovations?
    • What algorithms are involved in this innovation?

Project Documentation Guide (200-350* Words)

  • Format
    • Use clear headings and subheadings.
    • Standard font (e.g., Times New Roman, Arial) at 12-point size.
  • Content Overview
    • Introduction
      • Briefly introduce your project, including the topic and the medium used.
    • Creative Process
      • Explain the steps you took in creating your artifact.
      • Discuss how you generated and refined ideas, and any challenges you faced and overcame
    • Research
      • Summarize the key research conducted that informed your project
      • Highlight significant findings and insights that shaped your understanding of the topic
    • Intended Message
      • Clearly articulate the main message you aimed to communicate through your artifact
      • Explain how your chosen medium effectively conveys this message
    • Citations
      • Include proper in-text citations in MLA format for any sources used and a Works Cited page at the end
      • The Works Cited page does not contribute to your final word count


  • You’ll upload a digital archive of your finished artifact and documentation to Gradescope.
    • The archive must be uploaded in a single upload for each file submission section. Multiple photo uploads will not be accepted.
    • Multiple images or papers should be compressed and attached to your Artifact Documentation into a single file (PDF)
    • Exceptions are made for video or Snap! Files, which may be compressed into a single url link or .xml file and added as a link on the Documentation. Please remember to share access with all (public access), so we are able to grade your submission. Failure to do so will result in a ‘0’ score.
      • For video submissions we encourage attaching an unlisted YouTube Link or a Google Drive link
  • Your Documentation should include:
    • The Title of your Artifact
    • Your Name
    • Date of submission

Part 2: Group Presentation + Peer Feedback

For this assignment, you will present your Artifact in small, collaborative groups during our scheduled Discussion session (Thursday 7-9 PM). This format is designed to foster a deeper exchange of ideas, encourage constructive feedback, and allow for a more intimate exploration of the societal, economic, or cultural impact of the tech-related topics we are studying.

The small group setting is intended to create a supportive environment where you can confidently showcase your creative medium, whether it be an artwork, sculpture, video, infographic, collage, or diorama. The goal of the presentations is not only to exhibit your work but to engage with your peers, offering insights into how your chosen medium effectively communicates the implications of your topic.

Presentations will be largely student led with AI/Tutor/TA supervision. You will be graded for your engagement and active participation.

You will sign-up for a time and group (rec: 4-5) that best works for you. Sign ups are filled on a first-come first-serve basis.

If you can not attend the allotted Discussion Time for any reason. You will have time in Makeup Office Hours to regain your points. Please, note we are only offering specific, limited times, and we will release more information later. Sign Ups will be released on Thursday, 10/17.

Presentation Guidelines (7 minutes)

  • Signing up for a time
    • You must sign up for a time slot. Please do so by adding your first and last name to the Google Sheet
    • Please note, you are expected to stay the full discussion hour
  • Artifact/Visual Aids
    • Present your physical project or digital archive
    • You may have supplementary notes and material although not required.
  • Content Overview
    • Provide a clear and engaging introduction to your artifact and its focus (e.g., the technology you explored and its societal implications)
    • Summarize the creative process behind your artifact, including your chosen medium and how it conveys your topic.
    • Highlight key points such as:
      • The societal, conomic, or cultural impact of the technology.
      • Any challenges or ethical dilemmas explored.
      • The role of AI, if applicable, in your research or artifact creation.
      • Include a brief discussion of sources or research that informed your work (especially for AI use, citations, and references).
  • Clarity and Engagement
    • Speak clearly, make eye contact, and engage your audience.
    • Focus on key insights from your project and why it’s important, leaving details for the Q&A.
  • Grading
    • Points are given from peers’ feedback form. You must collect each feedback form from the peers you presented in front of for credit. Failure to collect all responses will result in a 0.

Q&A Discussion Guidelines (3 minutes)

After your presentation, there will be a 3-5 minute discussion period where peers are encouraged to ask questions, share thoughts, and provide constructive feedback. This dialogue is essential for refining your understanding of both your own work and that of your peers.

Be ready to answer follow-up questions related to your project, process, and topic. This includes technical aspects, societal impacts, ethical considerations, and the use of AI tools.

Aim to facilitate dialogue by asking the audience or classmates for their thoughts or feedback on your topic. You are in charge of the Q&A, so do your best to guide the conversation.

Conclude the Q&A with a brief summary of your project’s key points or takeaways based on the discussion.

Part 3: Peer Reflection/Comments

  • Guidelines & Submission
    • Reflect on 2 of your classmates’ essays on Gradescope (Due: 10/23) .
      • Your response should be a short reflection based on two presentations you participated in.
      • You can write about something new you learned, something that stood out to you or you found surprising, or how the project relates to your prior knowledge about the subject, how the topic of the essay connects with your topic, etc.
      • Your comments should include at least one question about the topic.
      • The expected length of each response is around 3-6 sentences.
    • The 2 students you should respond to are: any two students in your group (you pick)
    • Your feedback will not be shared with the students and will be used for the purpose of evaluating your peers and your own work

Feedback Form

Congratulations on finishing your fourth project in CS10đŸ„ł

Please spend some time completing this feedback form. This will be worth 1 point of your project grade. Thank you!

Rubric & Grading

Project 4 will be graded for coherence and content based on the following rubric.

Part Criteria Points
Part 1: Artifact and Documentation (8 pts)    
  Submission of Artifact in the correct format on Gradescope +0.5
  Artifact is an acceptable medium to explore a single, tech-related topic. +0.5
  Artifact includes details that express technical topic of choice in a creative and novel way +3.0
  Documentation is between 200 and 350 words (450 hard max), and is clear and coherent +0.5
  Documentation explores the creative and research process on the Artifact +1.5
  Documentation highlights intended message of Artifact +1.5
  All references are properly cited and submission follows style guide +0.5
Part 2: Presentation (4 pts) (Partially graded by peers)    
  Signs up and is present at the allotted time +1.0
  Explains artifact’s purpose and impact (Peer graded) +1.0
  Facilitates and leads discussion/Q&A with peers (Peer graded) +1.0
  Provides thoughtful answers to at least 2 peer questions (Peer graded) +1.0
Part 3: Peer Reflection (3 pts)    
  Reflects on a student’s presentation (3-6 sentences). Comments are insightful and thoughtful +1.0
  Reflects on a second student’s presentation (3-6 sentences). Comments are insightful and thoughtful +1.0
Feedback Form (1 pt)    
  Complete the feedback form +1.0


When you are done, submit your file to Gradescope. You only need to upload the following files:
  • N/A
You may submit more than once before the deadline; only the final submission will be graded. It is your responsibility to check that the autograder on Gradescope runs as expected after you upload your submission.