Add ‘’ to the end of all emails.

Teaching Professor Dan Garcia
I’m just so delighted to be teaching the course again! I co-invented BJC in 2008 with my good friend and colleague Brian Harvey, and absolutely love teaching it. I’m passionate about bringing engaging and powerful CS “big ideas” to students who normally wouldn’t be exposed to it. I am humbled by all the national attention BJC has received (see the “in the News” part of my website) and hope you find this class beautiful and joyful! When I’m not working, you can find me traveling, playing golf or board games (e.g., Monopoly Deal), or binging shows (anything Pixar or Marvel) with my family. p.s. My wife and I both went to Cal for grad school… Go Bears!
Head Teaching Assistant

Vedansh Malhotra
Office Hours: Th 7-8PM in Soda-380
Hey there! I’m a rising senior studying Computer Science, Cognitive Science, and Data Science. This is my seventh term teaching at Cal (I’ve taught in EECS & Cognitive Science), and I’ve been a Discussion-AI / TA / Head-TA / Summer-Instructor for CS10.
This Fall, I’ll serve as an U/G advisory-board member for Berkeley’s (brand-new) College of Computing, Data Science, and Society, continue developing curriculum for upper-division Data-Science courses and continue working on an exciting Natural Language Processing / Machine Learning research project. If any of that sounds interesting, I’m happy to chat about it in Office Hours!
My primary goal this term is to help students discover and come to appreciate the remarkable beauty of problem-solving, for which, Computer-Science is an indispensable tool!
PS: Here’s how my name is pronounced: veið’ãnʃ
Teaching Assistants

Mehul Gandhi
Hey everyone! I’m a senior studying Computer Science + Data Science, and this is my 6th semester working on staff for CS10. I took CS10 during my spring semester of Freshman year and I love the creative and critical thinking aspects that CS provides, so I decided to change my major to CS! My lab slides can be found here. This semester, I’m learning fullstack development through personal projects! During my free time, I like to watch anime, try out new restaurants, and host social events for clubs! I’m super excited to work with all of you this semester :)

Victoria Phelps (she/they)
Hello Everyone! I’m a junior studying CS and this is my third year working with CS10. Currently, I work as an intern at a software company, SAP. I’m also a part of Dan Garcia’s research groups, GamesCrafters and CS Education. When I first took the course, I had no programming experience. I fell in love with it and became a BJC and Snap! evangelist. As a non-traditional student coming back to school after a gap-four years, I believe anyone can learn CS, and CS is a field for everyone - no matter your age, skill level, or past performance. If I can impart any advice, it is don’t be afraid to fail, and just because you don’t know something now, does not mean you won’t know it soon!

Yishu Chao
Hello hello, I’m a senior double majoring in CS and CogSci. I have been involved with CS10 as an AI, reader, and TA since Spring 2020 when I first took the class. CS10 was the first programming class I have ever taken, and I loved it so much that I decided to major in CS. I hope you will come to love this class as much as I did, and I cannot wait for an exciting semester ahead!

Aananya Lakhani
Hi! :) I’m a sophmore studying mechanical engineering, I have been an AI for 2 semesters and this is my first time being a tutor for CS10. I came into CS10 fall of 2022 without a lot of coding experience, however, with the support of the CS10 staff I was able to learn so much in just one semester. I love the CS10 community and I hope to provide that same support to students this semester!

Aanvi Kothari
Namaste! I’m Aanvi, from Calcutta, India. I’m a sophomore studying CS and minoring in Electronic Systems. I took CS10 last fall and enjoyed it thoroughly- it’s still my favourite class so far. I’m super excited to get to know everyone as a tutor this sem. In my free time, catch me swimming or reading. Don’t hesitate to shoot me an email or meet up for any questions you may have!

Amy Castillo
Hi everyone! I’m a 4th year majoring in Data Science. I had no programming experience when I took CS10 back in Spring 2021. To this day, this class has been one of my most enjoyable and rewarding classes as it made me want to explore more computer science and data science courses. I have been an AI ever since I took the class and now I’m excited to be a tutor! Aside from school, I love listening to music, watching horror movies, and going on walks in nature. I wish you all a great semester :)

Calvin Duong
Hey !! My name is Calvin Duong (he/him) and I’m a junior studying CS. I took CS10 my freshmen year and it was definitely one of my favorite classes. I didn’t have much programming experience coming into Berkeley so CS10 really paved the way for my CS journey. Looking forward to working with everyone this semester and feel free to message me via email if you have any questions

Dream Lopez
Hello everyone!! I’m a third year majoring in Data Science and Public Health. I took CS10 my first semester at Berkeley and it really helped my build confidence in my coding abilities! In my free time I love to read, hike, watch movies, find cute coffee shops, and bake. I look forward to meeting everyone and help you fall in love with CS ❤️
Harry Qian
Hi! I am a sophomore intending to major in Physics and minor in EECS, and this is my first-time tutoring CS 10. I took the course Fall 2022, inspiring me to pursue EECS as my minor. I joined the class with ZERO experience in coding, and I left the class with rich skills to start my CS journey here at Cal. I hope to support you throughout the course!

Lauren Bae
Hi there! My name is Lauren and I am a junior studying Microbial Biology and Data Science. I took CS 10 during my freshman year with no prior coding experience. This course was a great introduction to coding and I hope it inspires you to pursue computer science as well!

Raka Litanto
Hello! I’m Raka, a rising junior majoring in CS. I have been an AI and a reader before, and this is my first time being a UCS-1 for CS 10. Before coming into Berkeley, I had never coded before, but taking CS 10 opened my eyes to the wonderful world of Computer Science and really helped me for my future classes. I hope all of you can enjoy CS 10 as much as I did!

Wen Cao
Hi everyone! I’m Wen and I’m a sophomore interested in Applied Math, Computer Science, and Mechanical Engineering. This is my first time tutoring for CS10! I’m a food lover and a big fan of ketchup. Can’t wait to see you all this summer:)))) About me: I’m a cactus made of kumquat.

Marius Castro
Yo! My name is Marius and I’m a junior majoring in Applied Math and Computer Science. I took CS10 Spring 2022 and have been involved with the course on staff ever since. I’m pumped to see what this summer has for all of us! I came into Berkeley with no coding experience and I remember how my roommates (who were in 61A/B at the time) screens used to look like giberish while they did hw. I had no idea what CS was so I decided just to try it out by taking CS10. The class quickly became my favorite I’ve taken so far at Berkeley as it opened up the world of programming to me in a very beginner-friendly way. I hope to lend other students a hand in finding their way into Computer Science as a whole and maybe even find a passion like I did :)

Stacey Yoo
Hi! I’m Stacey, a third year bioengineering major from Los Angeles. I have been an AI for 3 semesters and this is my first time as a tutor for CS10. As a tutor, I hope to support and engage all students to confidently dive into the world of CompSci here at Berkeley! Excited to meet you all :D
Academic Interns (AIs)
Alejandro Calderon
Hey there! I am a sophomore intending to major in Computer Science. I am from Los Angeles and came to UC Berkeley with zero coding experience. CS10 was my introduction to coding, and I had a great time taking the class and would like for incoming students to have the same experience. I hope to be helpful, and am looking forward to working with you all!

Alexander DeRouen
Hello! My name is Alexander and I’m a second-year EECS major interning with CS10 for the first time! CS is an incredible field and I really hope that this class gives you the perfect introduction to experience and appreciate everything it has to offer!

Cali Bond
Hi! My name is Cali and I’m a junior studying Cog Sci and Data Science. I took CS 10 with zero prior programming experience and loved it. Super excited to be an AI this semester so don’t hesitate to reach out to me with literally anything!

Charles Donovan
Hello there! I am a rising sophomore studying CS. I’m originally from Thailand and I’m so excited to support you all during this fall. CS10 was my start to programming and it was such a fun time. I hope with our support, you’ll not only thrive but foster a deep appreciation for coding! :) Aside from CS, I enjoy being a photographer for FAST @ Berkeley & teaching the Digital Painting DeCal.
Christian Reyes
Hi! I’m a rising senior studying Data Science and Cognitive Science, and this is my first time on staff for CS-10! I came to Berkeley with zero programming experience and experienced first-hand how difficult CS courses can be as a beginner. Thus, I would love to provide students with a motivating and encouraging learning space. I like watching/playing sports and grinding some Rocket League when I have free time. Feel free to reach out to me about anything. I look forward to working with you. :)

Dorottya Urmossy
Hi! I’m a junior studying CS and Math. I’ve been on CS10 course staff for a while now and I am excited to return as an AI this semester. CS 10 was one of my favorite courses, so I hope everyone will have fun while taking it! In my free time I like reading, sewing, crocheting, and traveling :)

Eric Nguyen
Hello everyone! I am currently a sophomore, majoring in EECS, and this is my first time becoming an AI for CS-10. My first time studying CS was filled with trials and tribulations, and I know how easy it is to get discouraged. Even I had my moments, but the people around me supported me and uplifted me, allowing me to prosper in the field that continues to challenge me even today. I want to pay it forward by welcoming new-comers with open arms to let them know that there is always support for them here in Berkeley to make them successful.

Ethan Zuo
Ethan is a freshman at UC Berkeley who is passionate about science and technology and loves using them to solving problems in the engineering field. He was named a Regeneron Science Talent Search Scholar and a MIT THINK Scholars Finalist for his science research. At the IT Club. he manages all the organization’s technology and provides electronics repair services for students and teaches others how to repair their own devices. He is also the President of Berkeley IT Club branch, manages all of its operations.

Helina Li
Hey! I’m Helina, a sophomore studying CS and English. Like many people, I took CS 10 when I had very little experience with programming, and I loved it! It gave me the confidence and passion to continue with the CS major, so I want to support new students in pursuing their own goals in the same way. Excited to work with y’all!

Isaiah Tapia
Hey everyone :-) i’m a sophomore studying CS, this will be my first time AIing for CS 10. I took this course FA 22 and it was a great way to explore CS so don’t worry, you’re in the right place. Beyond the classroom I enjoy reading, playing tennis, and listening to music. CYA!

Jimmy Zhang
Hello! My name is Jimmy, and I’m a senior studying math. I took CS10 last Spring, and this is my second time being an AI . I have to say BJC is the class I enjoyed the most at Cal. In my free time, I am always trying to explore restaurants in the city (I am a big foodie). Feel free to reach me out for food spots or anything else!

Julia Moreno
Hi! I’m a senior majoring in Data Science and this is my fifth semester AIing for CS10. I took CS10 my freshman year and it remains one of my favorite classes at Cal. I also enjoy bowling, taking advantage of my A-list membership at AMC, and playing volleyball :)

Keona Corona
Helloo!! I’m a rising sophomore majoring in EECS. My primary goal this semester is to help students achieve their academic potential and personal growth by providing them guidance and support.
Mark Nour
Hi everyone! I’m a rising sophomore studying CS and Data Science, and this is my first time being an AI for CS-10. As someone who didn’t have much programming experience coming into Berkeley, I hope to help students get acclimated and succeed in CS.

Nhaovaleth Macias
Hey there! :) I’m a rising junior from Orange County, Ca studying CS and MCB, and this is my second time teaching CS-10. I took CS-10 spring of my freshman year and fell in love with computer science, I can’t wait for what this year brings! Outside of school I love taking pictures and developing them and on my free time I love to try new restaurants!

Niki Parker
Hi! I’m Niki, a sophomore studying CS and Cogsci. My interests are in Data, Software, Neuroscience, and the intersection: whether that be medtech, AI, or teaching! I loved CS10 so much and I am so excited to come back. There is so much to love about this course, and I can’t wait to be part of your journey!

Oscar Mendoza-Oliva
Hello everyone! I am a rising sophmore studying EECS. I’m from Oakland, CA and I am super exited to be AIing for CS10 this summer. My goal is to be able to provide as much help and guidence to students who are taking their first steps into Computer Science.

Qurratul Ain Sanjida
Hi CS 10ersQ!!! Sanjida here! I’m a sophomore studying EECS and I feel so happy to be a part of CS-10 once again. When I took CS-10 first, I came in with very little CS experience. As an EECS major, I have to stick to CS for the rest of my journey at Cal, so, I thought a gentle and thorough intro would be the best for me and I was lucky to find that in this awesome class. I hope to work together with the enthusiastic programmers of this semester and try my best to support you throughout the journey. I wish this BJC journey brings out a more confident programmer out of you!

Sameem Saleem
‘Sup! You can call me Sam! I’m a sophomore studying Computer Science from Hayward, CA. I hope I can ignite or grow your interest in CS! I have work on numerous projects, so send me an email if you have an idea you want to build. I’ve always been passionate about education and games - as well as mixing both; for many years I’ve worked on making CS learning fun and engaging! Aside from CS10, I’m president of the Google Developer Student Club where I lecture and teach workshops, so if you want more, I’ll see you there! Some things I love include engineering, creating, socializing, designing, and drawing. (I’m on the right in the picture)
Sharon Smith

Vincent Lequang
Hi everyone! My name is Vincent and I’m a third-year studying Data Science and Computer Science. To this day, CS10 is still my favorite class at Berkeley, and I’m super excited to be AIing for the first time. I’m looking forward to meeting you all in lab, and I hope to make CS10 a smooth and enjoyable experience! :)

Yash Mantri
Hey guys! I’m a rising sophomore studying Data Science and Economics,and this is my first time teaching CS-10 as an AI. CS10 is an awesome course, and if you are new to programming, you’re in the right place :) I look forward to meeting you all. See you there!

Andrea Tsai
Heya! I’m Andrea (she/her), a sophomore studying Cognitive Science and Data Science. Despite taking CS10 during the COVID pandemic, the community was really warm, encouraging, and supportive. I hope to continue fostering that atmosphere, and you are always welcome to talk or ask me any questions :) In my free time, I like to read, embroider, and explore new things.

Anushka Verma
Hello hello! I’m a junior studying CS. I love music, bad poetry, good food, Star Wars and I’ll talk to you about anything. I love this class and I’m psyched to be AI-ing again. Come say hi or shoot me an email.

Bonnie Wang
Hii! I’m a sophomore majoring in EECS. I took CS10 in Fall 2022 and am excited to be an AI this semester. I like to cook, explore the outdoors, and photography! Feel free to reach out and am excited to meet everyone!
Bryan Flores
Hey! My name is Bryan and I’m a junior studying Data Science. As someone who started out with no programming experience before college, I felt that CS10 was perfect introduction for me back when I took it my freshmen year. When I’m not working on HW/Projects, I will probably be watching Netflix or playing video games. I hope you enjoy CS10 and am looking forward to helping as an AI!

Flora Zeng
Hi! I’m Flora and I’m a senior studying Computer Science. I’m always down for outdoor activities whether it’s running, hiking, climbing, dancing, or skateboarding, just name it and I’d be down to join you. I also love taking naps at Moffitt. :p Feel free to talk to me about anything, happy to meet you!

Ishani Basak
Hello! I’m a rising junior studying Data Science and Applied Math, and this is my first time as an Academic Intern for CS10. Berkeley’s CS classes can be quite challenging for the students who do have prior experience and especially for those that are just now exploring the field. I hope to help students ease their way into computer science as seamlessly as possible, and help them love this unique and versatile subject!

Jaron Erba
Hey everyone! I’m a junior transfer who is very interested in CS and game development. I transferred here from Sacramento City College, but I live in Davis. In my free time I like to work on my game in Unity, or perhaps play a little piano in the recreation room. Looking forward to a great semester!

Julia Zhang
Hi! I’m a junior studying Data Science, and this is my third time being an AI for CS10! I really enjoyed taking CS10 in my freshman year! I am excited to continue to help students in CS10 this semester as an AI!

Manya Lamba
Hey there! :) I’m a sophomore studying Economics and Data Science and this is my first time being an AI for CS 10! As someone who started out with little programming experience, I believe that CS at Berkeley can be a challenging, yet immensely rewarding experience. My primary goal this semester is to help students discover and come to appreciate the remarkable beauty of problem solving- for which, Computer Science is an indispensable tool!

Miranda Zhu
Hi everyone! My name is Miranda Zhu (she/her). I’m a sophomore intending to study CS and Data Science, and this is my first time being an AI! I am really excited to meet you and hope we can learn and grow together this semester. CS 10 was my first programming class at Cal; it will be a great start for those who haven’t programmed before. In my free time, I like dancing, singing, and watching K-dramas. Feel free to contact me anytime!

Mohammad Shahnawaz
Hi there! :) I’m a junior studying CS, and this is my first time AI’ing for CS10. I’m an international student from Lahore, Pakistan. Some of my interests include reading, video games, and working out. If you ever have any video game recs lemme know! Looking forward to meeting all of you!

Nithik Yekollu
Hey everyone! I am a first time Academic Intern for CS10. I am sophomore year EECS major. I am looking forward to this semester interning for CS10 coursestaff and help students discover interest in computer science!

Rachel Hu
Hi, I’m Rachel and I’m a current Sophomore studying computer science! I am excited to be an academic intern for CS-10. Although I have had some previous experience in web and iOS development through personal projects, CS-10 was my first official computer science class I have ever taken! As I believe coding is a catalyst for social change, I am excited to help teach computer science to all.

Shriprithi Vel Murugan
Hi! My name is Shriprithi (she/her) and I’m a sophmore intending to study Molecular and Cell Biology and Data Science. Some things I like to do in my free time are read, bake and listening to music. I look forward to meeting you all :)

Sofia Bourche
Hey everyone! I’m a senior studying Computer Science from San Diego, CA. This will be my 6th semester as an AI for CS10 and I was a Tutor this summer as well. I discovered my love for programming as a student in this class, and I hope that you will too! In my free time, I enjoy dancing on The Cal Dance Team, baking, surfing, traveling and teaching!

Sophie Lenz
Hi! My name is Sophie and I’m a third year studying CogSci and Data Science. This is my third time as a CS10 AI, and I’m so excited to be helping out again this semester. I really enjoyed my time in CS10, and I’m looking forward to giving the same experience to all of the students! Outside of class, you can catch me drinking boba, watching sports, or going on walks. Hope to see you all in lab! :)

Theresa Huynh
Hi!!! I’m a rising senior studying CogSci and this is my second time AI-ing for CS-10. I came to Berkeley with minimal background in programming and CS10 was a great intro to understanding coding conceptually while still being fun and engaging. I hope I can facilitate that same understanding as your AI this semester and I’m excited to meet everyone in the upcoming weeks :]

Wahidullah Dawari
Hi everyone! I am a junior studying EECS, and this is my first time being an AI for CS10. When I came to Berkeley, I had no prior CS experience, and I was ready to give up on it… until I took CS10. I strongly believe CS10 will help you all as much as it helped me and I am excited to be a part of that!

Zoe Tenenbaum
Hi! :) I’m a rising sophomore studying EECS and Business, and this is my first time being an AI for CS-10. I’m really looking forward to meeting you all and supporting you through this class!